Media Studies Roadshow was created by Michael Lawton in 1997.
Since then, MSR has visited more than half of Melbourne’s schools and put over 120,000 students through it’s media studies programs.
All staff have Film and Television Bachelor Degrees and Working with Children checks.

Michael has spent his whole career in media education and media production.
He has 13 years teaching experience in primary and secondary schools as a specialist media teacher, as well as a further 15 years experience as a sessional lecturer in Media Studies, television and radio production at the Australian Catholic University.
In addition to this, Michael has written curriculum material for primary and secondary teachers.
Since 1992 Michael has operated his own video production company.
Video Essentials specialises in recording school and dance concerts, graduation ceremonies, conferences and live productions.
They have recorded over 2000 school concerts and plays.
Ryan Powell has worked for Media Studies Roadshow since 2013.
Ryan is a university graduate with a degree in screen production. He has extensive live production experience working with Video Essentials in addition to his own production business.